Lord, Thank you for you constant comfort and love. You have set my heart on fire and a passion now burns deep inside of me for You. Lord, if there is anything in my heart that is not pure and clean, please reveal this to me so that I can surrender it to You, for You are the potter and I am the clay. I will prepare a place in my heart for You to dwell, O God. I will quieten my spirit so that I can hear You whisper to me. Grant me a patient endurance and a spirit that is slow to anger. Father, make me like You. Teach me to walk in Your love and compassion but also give me the strength to stand for Your name. I will no longer grab for worthless items, I have found my life in YOU. I have found my love, my strength, my joy and my peace in You.
"O fire surpassing every fire because You alone are the fire that burns without consuming. Yet, Your consumimg love does not distress the soul but fattens her with an insatiable satiety!" Catherine Siena
"O fire surpassing every fire because You alone are the fire that burns without consuming. Yet, Your consumimg love does not distress the soul but fattens her with an insatiable satiety!" Catherine Siena